When we are new to the christian life it can be easy to become discouraged and overwhelmed. So much to learn. Unfamiliar territory. Let me encourage you to not give up – don’t do it! Do not allow the familiar things to lure you back and away from what God has for you. Don’t be concerned about what you don’t understand – just do those things that you do understand. As you do – you will be given more understanding! Just be faithful where you are – it is a step by step process that is changing your life! It is important to be plugged in to a church family – the kingdom of God – so you can grow and become part of what God is doing on the earth. God has plans for each one of us and if we aren’t in His Word then we can be lured away! Learn to be faithful and committed to do His Word no matter what! We don’t live by how we feel or how things look – we live by faith – by the word of God! Our feelings will change as we become healed! It takes time to turn our messes into masterpieces! Never give up! 1Corinthians 3:1-16, Psalms 107:20, Matthew 6:33 & Joshua 1:8 😀
81 County Road Southeast 4110
Mount Vernon, Texas 75457
Phone: 903-588-3007
Email: voiceofthebelieverschurch@gmail.com